Travel Partners
Dear Friend,
Thank you for taking the time to consider becoming a travel partner with our ministry. We'd like to tell you a little about what we do so you may make an informed decision. I will start by telling you that we never put a price on our concert presentations. We go strictly on a love offering basis. Some churches are able to help with expenses but many aren't. We don't feel that a churches financial limitation should stand in the way of ministry opportunities so we always try to make every offered situation a "yes". We do our best to set our ministry apart from being "traveling singers". It is our desire to first glorify and magnify the name of Jesus Christ in all that we do. It is also our intention to take specific messages to the church body. We write songs that are designed to not only reach the lost but to encourage and challenge believers in their walk with Christ. As we look towards 2020, we will be bringing these messages to the church. First, we want to challenge the church to reach outside their walls to bring non-believers to Christ. We believe there is a need now more than ever for churches to engage in evangelistic activities within their communities as well as on an individual basis to win the lost. The signs we see in our world today indicate that time is short. We as believers must all do our part to reach the unsaved before Jesus returns.
We seek to encourage the citizens of this nation to "Bring America Back to God". Our country has drifted dangerously off track. As the body of Christ, we must stop being complacent and take a strong stand for what we believe. We will do everything within our power to get that message to the church. We will also be using songs that encourage and strengthen families. We want to see Mom's and Dad's commit their lives and their children to the Lord. We want to see marriages strengthened and family bonds forged that will not be broken by the world or its temptations. It is our goal to see believers renew their relationships with God and put Him first and foremost in their lives. It is also our intent to remind our listener of what a wonderful blessing it is to be called an American. The Lord has allowed us to live in the greatest nation in the world. We must never take that blessing for granted or those who paid the price for our freedom. We have opportunities throughout the year to minister to our men and women in uniform as well as our veterans. We will take every opportunity we're given to share the love of Christ with them and to support them in every way possible. It is our belief that we owe them a debt of gratitude we could never re-pay.
Lastly but most importantly, we seek to win the lost for Christ. That's the most important task of any believer and one that we take very seriously. That's the part of what we do that makes it all worthwhile. To know that someone will spend eternity in heaven because the Lord allowed us to be His messenger to them is what this ministry is all about. We thought you should know a little about our hearts before you make the decision to financially support our efforts. Please pray about it and do as the Lord leads. All donations received will be applied directly to our travel expenses, (fuel, repairs, airline tickets).
We thank you for considering us and pray that God will richly bless you as you continue to walk with Him.
Because of Christ,
Eric & Debby Horner
Printout and mail (link above) form to:
Eric Horner Ministries
PO Box 281
Gladeville, TN 37071